Jul 31, 2011

Presenting and Training When You're Not in the Room - Webinar

Presenting and Training When You're Not in the Room :
Conference Calls, Webinars, and Video Conferences

Session Description
Whether people are presenting or conducting training for employees, clients, or bosses, presenting to an audience - large or small - can be a daunting task. In today's workplace, everyone needs the ability to present their ideas and persuade people effectively - in person, over the phone, and online. With more and more webinars, Skype presentations, and conference calls, and virtual training, professionals must know how to captivate and engage an audience when they're not meeting face-to-face. This webinar gives participants the inside tips and techniques they need to deliver effective presentations and training sessions when they're not in the room. Through interactive exercises, participants learn strategies for conveying a strong, clear message to their target audience remotely.

Participants will leave this webinar with the tools to:
  • Understand how to structure an effective and dynamic presentation or training session
  • Reduce stress and tension related to delivering virtual group presentations
  • Create presentation openings that command attention and interest
  • Deliver with twice as much poise and energy
  • Make presentations engaging and interactive to hold the audience's attention
  • Close presentations with power and persuasion
About Jeff Hiller
Jeff Hiller is a Senior Trainer and Workshop Leader. Through JB Training Solutions, Jeff delivers interactive and dynamic programs to build stronger leaders, clearer communicators, better presenters, and respected managers.
Jeff began his career at Leo Burnett in Chicago where he became the youngest VP Account Director in the agency's history, earning seven of the American Marketing Association's EFFIE Awards for superior business results. Before joining JB Training Solutions, Jeff was the Marketing Director for the Houston Rockets and VP of Marketing for Four Hands Imports (a 3-time Inc 500 Fastest Growing company).

Jeff Hiller, Senior Trainer and Workshop Leader, JB Training Solutions

Date: Thursday, October 13, 2011
Time: 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern (60 Minute Session)

Navigating The Social Learning Roadmap - Webinar

Session Description
The transition from buzz word to trend to standard can sometimes happen in a blink of an eye. With more companies and organizations recognizing the value of social learning, we are fast on our way to a major shift in learning. The emergence of social media has enabled us to capture what we do quite naturally, LEARN. With technology, this dynamic leaves a digital footprint that makes learning viral positively infecting performance and ultimately increasing ROI. Unfortunately buying a social learning platform, although an important first step, doesn't ensure success of this learning approach. The Roadmap to Social Learning is a guide to connecting the people, technology, and goals to a social learning strategy.
During this webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Discover the career implications of a social learning culture
  • Evaluate the value of a social learning strategy within their organization.
  • Navigate steps to creating a social learning culture
  • Forecast obstacles in the organizational culture that block social learning
  • Fuel engagement within the framework of a social learning culture.

About Terrence Wing
Terrence Wing is the founder of LIQUID LEARNTM. He specializes in Social Learning Implementation, blended training design, delivery and evaluation, and augmentation of instruction with learning technology. Terrence writes a monthly column for Learning Solutions Magazine titled App Fusion which focuses on social learning technology. He speaks internationally on Social Learning, Instructional Design, and eLearning topics. Terrence also cohosts for eLearnchat a weekly live streamed talk show on eLearning, social media and other training related topics.
His work experience includes Retail Management, Distribution Management, Sales and Sales Management, and Human Resource Management. Terrence also served in the US Army as an Infantry Officer. He graduated from Marist College with a BA in Communication with an emphasis on Film and the Pennsylvania State University with a MA in Corporate Training and Development.

Terrence Wing, Founder of LiquidLearn
Date: Thursday, Sept 22, 2011
Time: 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern (60 Minute Session)

Articulate Or Captivate

This is a good white paper about choosing : Articulate Or Captivate.

Convert Word To Flash & eBook‏ With WordFlashPoint

WordFlashPoint - Word to Flash converter lets you automatically convert your Microsoft Word XP/2002, 2003, 2007 & 2010 documents into a highly compressed Adobe Flash™ format (swf). Converted output in Flash format allows you to share the documents on a webpage or distribute it through CD. Another amazing feature of WordFlashPoint is that it allows you to create Adobe Flash based Flipping Book (eBook) within seconds

WordFlashPoint is industry's most powerful and accurate Word to Flash converter and allows you to convert your Word document (doc, docx, rtf) to Flash video in batches easily by only a few simple clicks. It comes in Standalone mode as well as a plug-in for Microsoft Word.
All the images, text and original layout of the word document are preserved during the conversion. It becomes easy for you to share/show your document to friends or virtually anyone on the Internet without having them to install special software. Above all, it also works as an internet magazine creator (eBook) where it allows you to convert your Word document to an interactive Flash eBook.

here is the tool homepage:

The 10 Top things to consider for E-Learning Content Development in SMB -Webinar

This free webinar provides practical information of the 10 Top Things to be considered by small and medium sized organizations to get the best Return on Investment (ROI) when developing eLearning.  Items included will be Authoring Tool selection, eLearning creation and eLearning deployment. This webinar will include valuable information on how to introduce eLearning to your organization and produce success.  If you are looking at adding in eLearning , you will definitely want to join this webinar.   If there are others in your organization that are interested in eLearning  please forward this to them.

Jul 30, 2011

How to Add "Gamification" in Your eLearning Design - Webinar

Session Description
Do you know how Gamification can boost learning effectiveness?
Gamification is the application of theories in gaming,its attendant rewards and its motivational impact. It has caught the attention of both learning designers and elearning developers because gamification presents new opportunities to raise the learner's engagement and learning applications. But how to make it a practical enhancement to the elearning design is a mystery.
In this webinar, Ray Jimenez will present case studies on how to apply gamification to enhance your eLearning projects.
Learning Benefits:
  • The impacts of gamification in eLearning design
  • Its similarities and differences from other activity and interactive approaches
  • The essential parts and components that make gamification successful
  • The step-by-step process of adding gamification in your eLearning design
  • Demos and examples of eLearning with gamification models
About Ray Jimenez
Ray Jimenez is the Chief Learning Architect and Founder of Vignettes Learning and Vignettes for Training, Inc., a systems development and consulting company specializing in e-Learning and Performance Systems, eLearning course development and interactive tools and VFTNetworks, a social learning community platform.
Ray has over twenty years experience in the consulting and training industry. He started his career as management consultant for Coopers and Lybrand in the areas of information management systems and management training. He has delivered lectures and workshops and consulted with clients in the United States, Asia and Europe. Ray has designed the architecture of several e-learning and e-performance software and management systems.
Ray is the author of "3-Minute e-Learning", "Scenario-Based e-Learning", "Do-It-Yourself eLearning, "Micro-Learning Impacts Report", and soon to be released books on "Micro-Learning Worlds" and "Story-Based eLearning Design." Among his clients are Booz Allen Hamilton, Ernst & Young, Psychological Associates, Transamerica Financials, Boeing Company, Ryland Homes, Countrywide Home Loans, Oracle Corporation, U.S. Air Force, Oakwood Worldwide, Aramark, Chipotle Restaurants and National Aeronautic Space Administration (NASA). Ray has presented to several associations and business organizations including American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), Training Magazine Events, and e-Learning Guild. Ray is an adviser to eLearning programs for University of California, Irvine, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center and Assumption University, Bangkok. He completed his PhD from St. Peter's College and Studies in Interactive Media from University of California, Los Angeles.
Workshop and briefing participants describe Ray as "fun", "engaging", "technically savvy", "has depth in e-learning experience", "balances theory and hands-on experience" and "inspiring".

  Ray Jimenez, Ph.D., Chief Learning Architect
  Vignettes for Training, Inc. 

  Date: Tuesday, Sept 20, 2011
  Time: 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern
  (60 Minute Session)

Buyer’s Guide to a Cost-Saving Web Conferencing Solution

Learn the Advantages & Cost Savings to Web Conferencing

Web conferencing has become the #1 solution to save costs without compromising quality interaction and collaboration with customers, partners and employees.

In order to maintain profitability, traveling to meetings by conventional means is now out of the question. For Sales & Marketing and IT departments, learn the advantages and cost-savings of purchasing a basic or advanced Web Conferencing and collaboration solution

Learn why Web conferencing is fast becoming a mainstream tool for business. You will learn:
  • Web conferencing defined
  • The 10 most important things you should know about Web Conferencing
  • Cost considerations and list of the top 17 vendors offering Web Conferencing
  • And much more...
See why Web Conferencing is fast becoming the mainstream tool for improving business exchange and collaboration.
The source page is here :

and you can download also :
FREE VoIP Buyer's Guide
FREE VoIP Comparison Guide

From the same page.

Gadgets, Games and Google for Learning: How to Leverage the Latest Technologies for Learning

Gadgets, Games and Google for Learning: How to Leverage the Latest Technologies for Learning and Performance Improvement

Session Description

What is the best way to design instruction for today's technology tools and for the creation and delivery of e-learning? What tools are most effective for delivering what types of training? This session highlights how organizations are leveraging Smartphones for performance support and mobile learning, how game-based learning is being designed to teach everyone from firefighters to sales reps to call center employees and how quick searches and meta-data are changing the landscape of how employees learn and their information expectations. Join Karl Kapp, author of four books on the topic of the convergence of learning, technology and work as he explores some of the research, thinking and examples of learning technology in action.

  Karl Kapp, Ph.D., Professor
  Bloomsburg University

  Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011

  Time: 10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern
  (40 Minute Session)

Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning - Webinar

Technology-Enhanced Teaching: Tinkering, Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning
with Dr. Curtis Bonk
It is time to stretch toward the edges of learning from those of us tinkering on the shores to those whose learning approaches are tottering in new directions and even landing in totally extreme or alien lands. This talk will showcase examples from all three worlds - the world of the tinkerer, the totterer, and the totally extreme. Which world will you find yourself?

Join us and discover the three states of online learning today:The tinkerer: Content to tinker with blended forms of learning by embedding shared online videos, simulations, timelines, collaborative groups, and open access articles in their courses
The totterer: Such instructors hand over the keys to their learners and let them drive for a bit.
The totally extreme: These instructors tap into virtual explorers, artists, archeologists, and adventurers to excite their learners, embracing mobile, virtual, and telepresence technologies.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
6 - 8:30 p.m.
University Center Ballroom
Sponsored by the UMBC ISD-Training Systems Graduate Program

The Truth About Social Learning - Webinar

Session Description:
"Social learning" and "informal learning" are among the training industry's hottest phrases these days. But there's so much confusion over what they mean, and what they mean to those of us in the business. A few truths:
  • Social learning isn't new.
  • Social learning isn't necessarily ‘managed', ‘launched', ‘controlled', or ‘measured'.
  • People in the workplace are learning all the time - without us.
  • Those people likely don't think of what they're doing as "learning".

In this session we'll spend some time looking at real examples of social and informal learning as it happens in workplaces all the time, every day. Along the way we'll generate some ideas for locating, supporting and facilitating social learning opportunities toward the greater goal of enhancing organizational performance.

About Jane Bozarth
Dr. Jane Bozarth has been a training practitioner since 1989. In her years with North Carolina, USA state government she has served as Staff Development Specialist for DHHS, the Training Director for the Department of Justice, and the E-Learning Coordinator for the NC Office of State Personnel.

Speaker: Jane Bozarth, Ph.D., eLearning Director of the State of North Carolina

Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Time:  10:00AM Pacific / 1:00PM Eastern (60 Minute Session)

You can register here :

Creating eLearning with Adobe Captivate for Android Devices - Webinar

Learning Anytime, Anywhere - Creating eLearning with Adobe Captivate for Android Devices

Session Description
Joe Ganci will discuss the factors involved with creating or repurposing eLearning for handheld devices and show how to use Adobe Captivate with Adobe Device Central (both included in the Adobe eLearning Suite) to create, test and deliver excellent eLearning.
Users will be able to access interactive, media-rich learning experiences wherever and whenever desired.

About Joseph Ganci
Joseph Ganci is President of Dazzle Technologies Corp., a custom training and learning company located in Ashburn, VA, right outside Washington. D.C.

Since 1983 he has been involved in every aspect of multimedia and learning development. Joe holds a degree in Computer Science, and is a published author, having written several books and articles about e-Learning.

Joe is widely considered a guru for his expertise in e-Learning development, and has taught classes and seminars at leading universities, in many government facilities, commercial firms, and educational institutions, and has spoken at many industry conferences. He is on a mission to improve to better the quality of e-Learning with practical approaches that work.

  Joseph Ganci, President
  Dazzle Technologies Corp. 

  Date: Tuesday, Aug 2, 2011

  Time: 11:00AM Pacific / 2:00PM Eastern
  (60 Minute Session)

Jul 28, 2011

Connections: Virtual Learning Communities- ebook

Connections: Virtual Learning Communities is an eBook that explores how online communities form, who joins them, and how they operate in learning environments. This book is available as an .epub document, suitable for viewing on most mobile devices and desktops. If you aren’t sure how to handle .epub files, check out this excellent review of software for desktop and mobile devices: http://www.jedisaber.com/ebooks/Readers.asp
In the Virtual Learning Communities (VLC) Research Laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan we have been investigating the shape of online learning networks for more than a decade. We’ve conducted research and written a bunch of papers, chapters, articles and reports on the topic.
This ebook pulls together the big ideas from our work for educators who might actually be able to put what we have learned to good use. That’s what this book is about—making sense of online learning communities. In a sense it isn’t original; it is rewritten out of material the VLC Research Lab already created along with a healthy dose of my own speculations. So it is selective rather than comprehensive. It doesn’t attempt to pull together all of the excellent work and writing about online learning.
This is also an experiment with this digital form of a book. The ebook format offers a number of fresh affordances and imposes some really difficult layout restrictions. The book includes a number of links to resources and examples. Every chapter has a video introduction that you can jump to if you want to get the big idea without combing through an entire chapter to dig it out. And by the time I release the next edition, I hope to discover a reasonable way to embed videos into the document, instead of having to link to external files.
And I hope to make this an evergreen book that changes as we learn more about how groups of people gather online to learn together. I invite you to add your own ideas to the next edition of the book at http://vlcbook.wikispaces.com/
So download a copy of Connections for yourself, and tell your friends (or enemies, if you don’t like the book). This is the first time I have been able to guarantee that a book of mine will be worth every penny

The Science of Learning: How Current Brain Research Can Improve Education -Report

In this latest STAR (School Technology Action Report), “The Science of Learning: How Current Brain Research Can Improve Education,” the editors of eSchool Media highlight cutting-edge research from leading neuroscience experts on how various activities affect the brain, and how these activities can help students improve their comprehension and memory.
From understanding how multimedia and physical exercise can affect classroom instruction, to appreciating the influence of art and reading on brain development, to taking the first steps in realizing the mind mechanics of autism, researchers know more today than ever before on what techniques can have the biggest impact on teaching and learning.
In this report, you’ll discover how the brain reacts to:
  • Visual learning and memory training
  • Physical activity
  • Arts and Language Arts
  • Gaming
  • New techniques for students with disabilities
  • Early childhood education

CourseLab v2.6.5 has been released

The commercial version of CourseLab (v2.6.5) has been released. Contact courselab@courselab.com to get the trial version. In July the company will add detailed information about the commercial CourseLab to www.courselab.com and will start official sales.
CourseLab v2.6 is being translated into French, Spanish, Deutch, Arabic, and Japanese now. Localized releases are coming soon. Beta version are already available for several languages and are available upon request.
Finally, the company would like to announce that one more release - v2.7 - is coming soon, too. v2.7 will add new objects and, most importantly, will support the latest versions of all popular web browsers.

Hidden Webtools - 11 Tools for 2011 - ebook

11 Hidden Gems of the Internet For Creating a 21st Century Classroom Without Spending A Dime, Without Searching, Without Frustration.
...AND You Can Flat-Out HAVE This Entire 17 Page Technology Integrating Digital eBook That Puts You Into The Inner Circle Of EdTech Teachers...
Plus You'll Get Bonus "Ninja" Secrets delivered periodically to keep your classroom ahead of the pack...
We have searched the web for some lesser known FREE webtools to integrate into the classroom. We’re excited to share this digital eBook with you! These free resources will help you create engaging 21st century learning experiences for you and your students.
You’re about to see "Hidden Webtools" used by teachers, just like yourself, to enhance lesson plans and class activities. Best of all – it’s organized and provides all of the links to the exact websites you will need.
Inside You'll Discover...
 The top 3 video tools that simplify publishing, sharing, communicating and connecting with other teachers and students around the world. 
 How to quickly and easily find just the right image for that all important report or pictorial essay.

 The best ways to share those large files that are impossible to send via email. 
Finally, find the "Diamonds in the rough" so you can easily integrate technology into your classroom with your complimentary Hidden Webtools eBook.

Emerging Trends: 2011 School Technolog Action Report

With widespread adoption of the Common Core State Standards, the national push for school reform, and a renewed federal investment in education, 2011 just might be the year 21st century innovation finally becomes a reality in our nation’s schools.
In this edition of STAR (the School Technology Action Report), “Emerging Trends: 2011,” eSchool Media, Inc., presents the five emerging trends we believe will take root this year, due to the large amount of attention these trends received in 2010, as well as the positive results they produced in student achievement and administrative effectiveness in schools, districts, and states.
In this report you’ll find the latest news on:
  • Classroom instruction trends
  • Mobile devices trends
  • eReading technology trends
  • Virtualization trends
  • Bullying trends, and much more
I hope you find it useful.

No More Excuses! It’s Time To Overcome Your Techphobia! Webinar

The SimpleK12 Team has discovered the best tips, advice, and webtools proven to CURE Techphobia of all degrees. And now we’re sharing all of these SECRETS with you!

Whether you’re Techphobic Tracy or EdTech Eddie, there’s something for you at this webinar. So join Kimberly and Grace from SimpleK12 as they go over the 7 major symptoms of Techphobia, and how to overcome them.

Searching With Google - ebook

Discover 15 Ways For Using Google To Easily Engage Your Student's "Learning Brain" To Capture Attention, Inspire, and Make The Internet A Better Tool For Your Classroom!"
...AND You Can Flat-Out HAVE This Entire Technology Integrating Digital Workbook That Puts You Into The Inner Circle Of EdTech Teachers...

Plus You'll Get Bonus "Ninja" Secrets delivered periodically to keep your classroom ahead of the pack...
Capture the power of Google Tools for your classroom. We’re excited to share this digital workbook with you! The free resources from Google will help you create engaging 21st century learning experiences for you and your students.
You’re about to see Google activities and ideas used by teachers, just like yourself, to enhance lesson plans and class activities.

Inside You'll Discover Ideas For...
 Commemorating a field trip, a project, or just a wonderful year together. 

 Organizing a Google Group to help save energy in school and at homes.

 Staying current with the latest developments in education and in your specific subject. 
Finally, put the "Power of Google" to work for you and your class. The ideas, examples and exercises in this FREE workbook will help you easily integrate technology into your classroom.
Discover 15 Ways For Using Google To Easily Engage Your Student's "Learning Brain" To Capture Attention, Inspire, and Make The Internet A Better Tool For Your Classroom!"
...AND You Can Flat-Out HAVE This Entire Technology Integrating Digital Workbook That Puts You Into The Inner Circle Of EdTech Teachers...
Plus You'll Get Bonus "Ninja" Secrets delivered periodically to keep your classroom ahea

d of the pack...
Capture the power of Google Tools for your classroom. We’re excited to share this digital workbook with you! The free resources from Google will help you create engaging 21st century learning experiences for you and your students.
You’re about to see Google activities and ideas used by teachers, just like yourself, to e

nhance lesson plans and class activities.

Inside You'll Discover Ideas For...
 Commemorating a field trip, a project, or just a wonderful year together. 
 Organizing a Google Group to help save energy in school and at homes.

 Staying current with the latest developments in education and in your specific subject. 
Finally, put the "Power of Google" to work for you and your class. The ideas, examples and exercises in this FREE workbook will help you easily integrate technology into your classroom.

Discover 15 Ways For Using Google To Easily Engage Your Student's "Learning Brain" To Capture Attention, Inspire, and Make The Internet A Better Tool For Your Classroom!"
...AND You Can Flat-Out HAVE This Entire Technology Integrating Digital Workbook That Puts You Into The Inner Circle Of EdTech Teachers...
Plus You'll Get Bonus "Ninja" Secrets delivered periodically to keep your classroom ahead of the pack...
Capture the power of Google Tools for your classroom. We’re excited to share this digital workbook with you! The free resources from Google will help you create engaging 21st century learning experiences for you and your students.
You’re about to see Google activities and ideas used by teachers, just like yourself, to enhance lesson plans and class activities.

Inside You'll Discover Ideas For...
 Commemorating a field trip, a project, or just a wonderful year together. 
 Organizing a Google Group to help save energy in school and at homes.

 Staying current with the latest developments in education and in your specific subject. 
Finally, put the "Power of Google" to work for you and your class. The ideas, examples and exercises in this FREE workbook will help you easily integrate technology into your classroom.

Reviewing eLearning Courses Made Easy with Adobe Captivate 5.5 -Webinar

Description: Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh and Vish to learn how to use Adobe Captivate Reviewer to get your Captivate projects reviewed by the SMEs, internal team or customers. Also learn how to leverage Acrobat.com or your internal server in this process.

After attending this session, you will be able to:
  • Publish the project for review.
  • Share project for review on an internal server.
  • Share the project on Acrobat.com for review.
  • Review Adobe Captivate project.
  • Add comments to the SWF file.
  • Edit comments in the SWF file.
  • Import comments from an XML file.
  • Export comments to an XML file.
  • View or sort comments in the AIR application.
  • View or sort comments in the Adobe Captivate project.
  • Provide feedback on comments by reviewers.

The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators - ebook

There are many teachers who want to start using technology in their classrooms, but just aren't sure where to start. That's why I got together ten prominent ed tech bloggers, teachers, and school administrators to create The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. In this book there introductions to more than six dozen web tools for K-12 teachers. Additionally, you will find sections devoted to using Skype with students, ESL/ELL, blogging in elementary schools, social media for educators, teaching online, and using technology in alternative education settings.

Here's the list of contributors to The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators:
George Couros, Patrick Larkin, Kelly Tenkely, Adam Bellow, Silvia Tolisano, Steven Anderson, Cory Plough, Beth Still, Larry Ferlazzo, Lee Kolbert, and Richard Byrne. If you like what you read, please visit the contributors' blogs and let them know.

There are many teachers who want to start using technology in their classrooms, but just aren't sure where to start. That's why I got together ten prominent ed tech bloggers, teachers, and school administrators to create The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. In this book there introductions to more than six dozen web tools for K-12 teachers. Additionally, you will find sections devoted to using Skype with students, ESL/ELL, blogging in elementary schools, social media for educators, teaching online, and using technology in alternative education settings.


Adding Raptivity Interactions to PowerPoint 2007

This Tutorial From Raptivity Blog :
You can add an attractive interaction on any slide of the PowerPoint. There is no gimmick in it but certainly simple guidelines to be followed. Read them and save the hue and cry.
a.    Open the PowerPoint presentation in which you want to add the interactivity. Go to the slide where you want to add the interactivity.
b.    Click the “Microsoft Office” Button, and then click on “PowerPoint Options” as highlighted in the screenshot below

You can complete the tutorial at the source page here :

Tick, Tock...Saving Time with Innovative Web Tools - Webinar

Wish there were more hours in the day? Need new ways to improve student work ethic? Looking for FREE web tools to improve your lesson plans?

We at SimpleK12 have found some amazing free web tools, tools that will not only save you time, but inspire your students too.
And the best part is - we're sharing all of these web tools with you at this webinar!  This webinar (Hidden Webtools for 2011) were designed
specifically for Teacher Learning Community members but we’re opening them to the public for FREE.

In Search of Learning Agility ebook

This publication deviates from the typical eLearning Guild eBook. We’re publishing it here because we believe that it contains a powerful and insightful view of the role educational technology plays in organizations. The central premise is that enduring competitive advantage must be built on organizational learning agility — meaning an organization’s ability to respond to adaptive challenge through the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. The authors, Clark and Gottfredson,  sketch three distinct stages of learning agility: 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, and illustrate a clear path forward for the meaningful use of learning technologies in organizations. This is a “must read” for managers and executives who are interested in aligning learning and training efforts and investments with larger business objectives.

The source page:

Google Tips & Tools for Your Classroom - Webinar

From new products to new features, it’s hard to keep up with everything going on at Google. Why not let the SimpleK12 Team do the work for you?

We at SimpleK12 have selected our favorite Google Tips and Tools - from searching shortcuts you don’t know exist, to apps your students will die for – and during this webinar, we’re sharing them all with you!
PLUS we’re giving all viewers a FREE copy of SimpleK12’s Workbook, “Searching with Google”, with real-life examples of how to use Google in the classroom.  This webinar and Workbook were designed specifically for Teacher Learning Community members but we’re opening them to the public for FREE.

The source site:

Handbook of e-Learning Strategy

The eLearning Guild's Handbook of e-Learning Strategy

In many organizations, there is a need to better identify and document a comprehensive learning strategy and to answer the question, "What should we be doing in order to support improved learning and performance?" This e-Book will help you make a broad, fundamental connection between learning, e-Learning, and your organization's mission, business objectives, and the bottom line. Chapters address everything from crafting a focused strategy, to keeping your strategy focused, to change management. Refocus on e-Learning strategy and insure that your e-Learning technology and methodology investments pay off and so you can achieve your e-Learning goals!
This FREE Digital Book was made possible by a generous contribution to its development from Adobe Systems.

Jul 27, 2011

382 Tips on the SELECTION of an LMS or LCMS ebook

382 Tips on the SELECTION of an LMS or LCMS ebook ...is an awesome collection of tips from hundreds of your professional colleagues. These tips will help you navigate the LMS minefield, streamline your selection process, and help you save money! Nowhere will you find a more comprehensive set of tips that you can use to improve your LMS and LCMS selection efforts.
This FREE Digital Book was made possible by a generous contribution to its development from Adobe Systems.

The source & download link :

Metamorphosis Tutorials

In this page you will learn about Metamorphosis

Creating e-learning courses with Metamorphosis is based on a simple four-step procedure. Here you may watch screens movies of many of the more common operations within Metamorphosis. You will need to have the Flash player, freely available from Adobe, installed to view these movies.
The links below will open in new windows/tabs

834 Tips for Successful Online Instruction ebook

This FREE Digital Book, 834 Tips for Successful Online Instruction is an amazing collection of tips from 336 of your professional colleagues. Nowhere will you find a more comprehensive set of tips that you can use to improve your knowledge and skills in online instruction. This eBook is available for everyone regardless of their affiliation with The eLearning Guild - so don't hesitate to tell all your colleagues about it!
This FREE Digital Book was made possible by a generous contribution to its development from WebEx Communications. If you're not familiar with WebEx products for online meetings and synchronous e-Learning, or if you haven't checked them out lately, we encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience!

Video Integration in Adobe Captivate 5.5

Join Vish and Dr. Pooja Jaisingh to learn more on video integration in Adobe Captivate 5.5. In this session, they will show different ways to insert video in Captivate and use them as an object or slide video. They will also demonstrate how to distribute the video to multiple slides as well as how to add video to TOC.

After attending this session, you will be able to:
  • Insert video as an object.
  • Insert video as a slide video.
  • Edit the timing of the slide video.
  • Add video to TOC
  • Add closed captions for videos
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Handbook on Synchronous e-Learning

The eLearning Guild’s Handbook on Synchronous e-Learning is intended for anyone who wants to produce, lead, or promote live, interactive learning events on the Web.
Novices will find information on what other people are doing in this medium, which kinds of training and education are best suited to it, how to convert existing classroom content for delivery online, how to lead effective and compelling live learning events on the Web, and how to promote these events to obtain maximum participation. More experienced practitioners will find a wealth of ideas that they can use to improve or enhance their current processes. All readers will find job aids, references, examples, and information to significantly reduce the amount of time required to produce online learning events.
This e Book was made possible by a generous contribution from WebEx Communications. If you're not familiar with WebEx products for synchronous e-Learning, or if you haven't checked them out lately, we encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience!

The source is here :

Create your first powerpoint presentation - Free Course

This course includes:
  • Three self-paced lessons and three practice sessions for hands-on experience.
  • A short test at the end of each lesson; tests are not scored.
  • A Quick Reference Card you can take away from the course
After completing this course you will be able to:
  • Put text and pictures on slides.
  • Navigate in the PowerPoint window.
  • Apply a design template.
  • Arrange slide content by using layouts.
  • Print handouts and notes.
  • Prepare to give the show.


311 Tips on the MANAGEMENT of an LMS or LCMS ebook

311 Tips on the MANAGEMENT of an LMS or LCMS
...is an incredible collection of tips from hundreds of your professional colleagues. Why reinvent the wheel when you can learn from these tips on the management of your LMS or LCMS system! Nowhere will you find a more comprehensive set of tips that you can use to improve your LMS and LCMS management efforts.
This FREE Digital Book was made possible by a generous contribution to its development from Adobe Systems.

Jul 26, 2011

In learning magazine Issue1

In learning is a dedicated publication for education.

The In learning magazine contains how-to-articles, industry reports, exclusive surveys, news, insightful columns, book reviews, new product reviews, thought-provoking features and success stories. It is designed to help educators, teachers and educational decision-makers keep up to date with the latest trends, so they can do their jobs better.

5 Day FREE Creative Presentation Ideas e-course

Most presenters would love to make their presentation design more creative and memorable. With this free Course, we’ll show you how to make your presentations stand out. It is not simply about better design but effective and powerful presentation of your ideas using visuals.
Creative Presentation Ideas is made up of five daily lessons that will come to you in your email inbox. Every day, we'll show you how to do something different in your PowerPoint slides. There are videos, examples and additional resources to give you more creative ideas.
It's a useful course for any presenter, and will get you well on your way to becoming a more effective presenter.

What does this e-course contain?

  • Day 1: Five Ways to Present Data Creatively
  • Day 2: Seven Creative Ways to Replace Bullet Points
  • Day 3: Seven Creative Ways to Represent Timeline
  • Day 4: Five Creative Ways to Edit Pictures
  • Day 5: Five Creative Ways to Enhance Slide Design

Jul 14, 2011

The 2011 Global Education Conference

The conference is a collaborative and world-wide community project designed to significantly increase opportunities for globally-connecting education activities. Our goal is to help you make connections with other educators and students, and for this reason the conference is very inclusive and also provides broad opportunities for participating and presenting. We have expert presenters and keynote speakers, but we also encourage presenters who either have not presented before or have not presented in Elluminate.

The call for presentation submission will go out July 20th.

Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching & Learning

Instructional Consulting is proud to present Dr. Curt Bonk, Professor in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, in a video series addressing the design and best practices of Distance Education courses. The videos are about 10 minutes long and each topic is accompanied by a list of useful resources.
1. Planning Online Courses
2. Managing Online Courses
3. Discussion Forums
4. Providing Feedback
5. Reducing Plagiarism
6. Building Community
7. Instructor and Social Presence
8. Online Interaction
9. Online Collaboration/Teams
10. Quality Supplemental Materials
11. Blended Learning: General
12. Blended Learning: Implementation
13. Blended Learning: The Future
14. Online Writing Activities
15. Online Visual Learning
16. Online Video Resources
17. Webinars and Webcasts
18. Podcasting Uses & Applications
19. Wiki Uses & Applications
20. Blog Uses and Applications
21. Collaborative Tool Applications
22. Hands-On Experiential Learning
23. Coordinating Online Project Problem
24. Global Connections & Collaborations
25. Assessing Student Online Learning
26. Ending & Archiving Online Courses
27. Trends on the Horizon

Best Practices in the Next Generation of Effective eLearning - Webinar

In today’s global business environment, the face of eLearning is changing.   More and more organizations are adopting newer technologies to facilitate their learning and talent management strategies in the most effective way.
Join us for this TrainingIndustry.com webinar, sponsored by Adobe, to learn more about modern eLearning practices. We will discuss how enterprises can maximize effectiveness in creating and delivering eLearning across widely dispersed audiences.
In this interactive webinar, participants will learn more about:
  • The five different types of eLearning (self-paced asynchronous e-learning, video, simulations and games, synchronous virtual classroom and digital content libraries)
  • Social learning environments and the next generation of eLearning
  • The stages of eLearning adoption
  • How eLearning is used in today’s global environments with diverse worker demographics
  • Perceived barriers of eLearning and how to mitigate them
  • How eLearning technology, specifically Adobe Connect, enables today’s eLearning
Register today for this free, one-hour webinar to receive a free case study from Adobe, showing some best practices of effective e-learning at a major organization.

Thursday, August 11, 2011
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. PT