Jul 14, 2011

The 2011 Global Education Conference

The conference is a collaborative and world-wide community project designed to significantly increase opportunities for globally-connecting education activities. Our goal is to help you make connections with other educators and students, and for this reason the conference is very inclusive and also provides broad opportunities for participating and presenting. We have expert presenters and keynote speakers, but we also encourage presenters who either have not presented before or have not presented in Elluminate.

The call for presentation submission will go out July 20th.

Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching & Learning

Instructional Consulting is proud to present Dr. Curt Bonk, Professor in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, in a video series addressing the design and best practices of Distance Education courses. The videos are about 10 minutes long and each topic is accompanied by a list of useful resources.
1. Planning Online Courses
2. Managing Online Courses
3. Discussion Forums
4. Providing Feedback
5. Reducing Plagiarism
6. Building Community
7. Instructor and Social Presence
8. Online Interaction
9. Online Collaboration/Teams
10. Quality Supplemental Materials
11. Blended Learning: General
12. Blended Learning: Implementation
13. Blended Learning: The Future
14. Online Writing Activities
15. Online Visual Learning
16. Online Video Resources
17. Webinars and Webcasts
18. Podcasting Uses & Applications
19. Wiki Uses & Applications
20. Blog Uses and Applications
21. Collaborative Tool Applications
22. Hands-On Experiential Learning
23. Coordinating Online Project Problem
24. Global Connections & Collaborations
25. Assessing Student Online Learning
26. Ending & Archiving Online Courses
27. Trends on the Horizon

Best Practices in the Next Generation of Effective eLearning - Webinar

In today’s global business environment, the face of eLearning is changing.   More and more organizations are adopting newer technologies to facilitate their learning and talent management strategies in the most effective way.
Join us for this TrainingIndustry.com webinar, sponsored by Adobe, to learn more about modern eLearning practices. We will discuss how enterprises can maximize effectiveness in creating and delivering eLearning across widely dispersed audiences.
In this interactive webinar, participants will learn more about:
  • The five different types of eLearning (self-paced asynchronous e-learning, video, simulations and games, synchronous virtual classroom and digital content libraries)
  • Social learning environments and the next generation of eLearning
  • The stages of eLearning adoption
  • How eLearning is used in today’s global environments with diverse worker demographics
  • Perceived barriers of eLearning and how to mitigate them
  • How eLearning technology, specifically Adobe Connect, enables today’s eLearning
Register today for this free, one-hour webinar to receive a free case study from Adobe, showing some best practices of effective e-learning at a major organization.

Thursday, August 11, 2011
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. PT

Using eLearning to Train in First Aid, CPR, AED use and Bloodborne Pathogens

Using eLearning to Train in First Aid, CPR, AED use and Bloodborne Pathogens

By the end of this webinar, you will know:
  • How eLearning can be as effective as classroom-based training
  • Details about the American Heart Association’s first aid, CPR, AED and bloodborne pathogens eLearning courses, including options for companies and organizations that need to train small or large numbers of employees
Who should attend this webinar?
  • Supervisors, managers, consultants, directors and vice presidents who are responsible for compliance, safety and health, risk management or security for their company or organization
  • Individuals who are interested in or need to take a first aid, CPR, AED or bloodborne pathogens course to meet job, regulatory or other requirements
Our Presenters:
  • Sandy Smith, Editorial Director, EHS Today
  • Kevin Billings, Director of eLearning Content Solutions, American Heart Association
You can register here

eLearning in education and training - Report

eLearning in education and training: Report from the Digital Agenda Assembly

The workshop participants discussed the current position of ICT in education and training in Member States, the potential obstacles to full scale adoption of eLearning, and the necessary pre-conditions to mainstreaming it in formal, non-formal and informal learning (ICT infrastructures, teachers' competencies, etc).

The workshop outcome is presented in a set of priorities and actions encouraging Member States to innovate in their education and training systems through effective adoption of ICTs. The report also includes recommendations to the Commission on how to support the Member States in this endeavour

The source is  here