Jul 7, 2011

The Serious Role of Play in Learning

Session Description
We all know children learn a great deal while playing, but having fun during training or professional development programs may be seen as frivolous or a waste of time.
Scientific research begs to differ. Play breaks tensions during learning, provides fresh energy and helps teams build cohesion.
Adult play in workplace instruction enhances speed of learning and boosts performance results. But, what forms of fun work best in the diversity of instructional delivery?
Judith Blair and Nancy Maresh offer examples of highly effective games, a laughter lab, methods to engage employees through novel and refreshing activities backed by best practices and research.
Webinar participants will be able and motivated to:
• Distinguish among states of optimized stress and playfulness most conducive to learning, transfer and performance
• Design activities and program components that tap the brain's natural abilities to meet challenges fast and effectively
• Determine what tactics produce creative problem solving and resilience during training and beyond

About Judith Blair 
Judith Blair, CEO Brains at Work was a stand up comedian playing the "straight man" role to born-funny Marilyn Martinez. Facing comedy club hecklers and drunks prepared her for corporate classroom training. Blair's background in education and HR provides facility to support design teams for E Learning, mobile delivery, social learning and individualized performance programs.

About Nancy Maresh
Nancy Maresh, Founder and Creative Director, Brains at Work created the most successful learning game seminar in the US. The Accounting GameTM taught a semester of college accounting in a day by playing with low dollar transactions and a simple business. Today, those approaches work regardless of how employees are trained: disarm feelings of resistance or low competence, use simulations to learn complex concepts and enjoy practicing new knowledge.

Recoded Webinar :

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